Final few days on the Banks Peninsula
We all really enjoyed our kayak trip, although our muscles ached once we'd finished! It was awesome to kayak with the Hector's Dolphins though and to get a unique view of this crater from so low in the water.
Even Mum got into the kayaking groove! Thoroughly enjoying the action and singing all the way to encourage the dolphins over =) although even by her own admission Laura did most of the work paddling them through the water, Bless 'em both.
Those cheeky Hector's Dolphins were even managing to bow ride our kayaks!
White-flippered Penguins, these were two late chicks waiting for the right time to abandon that lovely, cosy, feather lined burrow and head for the cold, bouncy ocean..who'd blame them for hanging around as long as possible!
This was our best camp so far, a free camp on the Kaitorete Spit, it was only us, the wind, waves, stars and a beautiful comet streaking across the heavens....
Twins by birth, best friends by choice!
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